Archive | January, 2011

Advertising ME: I’m For Hire

26 Jan

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To Whom It May Concern:

I rarely watch commercials anymore. But now that I’m pushing full-throttle on my job search, I would like to unshamelessly sell myself, much like these candidates here:

I am interested in pursuing full-time digital marketing, social media and brand strategy opportunities either in Los Angeles or (my hometown) Chicago. My professional background is rooted in media and marketing. My public profile and resume are available on LinkedIn.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me and I look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

Julie E.

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Sex through Social Media – Yay or Nay?

25 Jan

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I read about two new studies examining how social media — particularly Facebook — impacts sex and relationships.

On the one hand, a survey says that social networking leads to sex faster. Reuters reports that nearly four out of five women and three out of five men claim that texting, Facebook and other social networking tools make couples jump into bed faster.

Faster communication = faster possibilities for sex. Seems reasonable.

But another survey shows that Facebook destroys marriages. Over 80 percent of US divorce lawyers cite social media evidence in divorce cases as reasons for ending marriages, with one in five lawyers specifically pointing to Facebook.

Public communication = faster possibilities for private demise. Also seems reasonable.

Perhaps these surveys point to the fact that it’s good for some things to stay private. Sure, having (or changing) a relationship status on Facebook has become common. But is it necessary — or even positive — to display private or intimate details for the world to see? Personally, if I need to talk about relationship issues, the people in my life who I trust will know about it. But that’s it.

Has anyone had an interesting relationship story that played out over Facebook or social media?

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Blog Resurrection!

21 Jan

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It’s true! I’m resurrecting my blog. After a six month hiatus, where I finished a master’s degree and helped develop an iPhone app, I decided to use my downtime from full-time job-hunting to blog. Stay tuned for more.

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